Well everyone is well again,we survived the flu flood! Have been so busy haven't been on line in days. Sick kids,sick cat,ice & snow storms,doctor visits,vet visits,over to the farm twice a day to feed the girls,a family wedding in just a few days,stretched out doesn't cut it,but we have survived intact as a family!With all the goings on lately I wasn't home when Santa & helpers came to deliver Christmas,but when I went down stairs to check it out,I was overwhelmed with emotions at realizing that even in this tight economy on everyone.People are still wanting to help others.My children had a wonderful christmas thanks to nature of the season filling others hearts.We are very grateful,and we teach our children that sharing what we have,and giving back to others as we've been given to is the way to be.Mind still foggy,but very grateful and wanted to share that human kindness is alive.Have to get ready to load tribe in van to go feed the girls,will get back to this later. Hope everyone had an amazing day and fantastic food with those they love most! Shalom